Double Chocolate Chip Brownie Recipe

How to make 8 Delicious Double Chocolate Chip Brownies.


40g Unsalted Butter
90g Dark Chocolate
40g Plain Flour
20g Cocca Powder
25g Milk Chocolate
2 Eggs
135g Golden Caster Sugar
Pinch of salt


Mixing Bowl
Weighing Scales
Square Tin
Baking Parchment 
Chopping Board
Electric Whisk
Rubber Spatula 
Timer (Phone)


Step One:

Cut 40g unsalted butter into cubes and place into a mixing bowl.  Break 90g dark chocolate into small pieces and place into the same mixing bowl. 

Step Two:

Fill your saucepan around half full with hot water, then place your bowl on top of the saucepan so it rests but doesn't touch the water. Put over a low heat until the unsalted butter and dark chocolate have melted, staring occasionally to mix them. 

Step Three:

Once melted, remove the bowl from the pan. Leave the melted mixture to cool at room temperature. Whilst the mixture is cooling turn on your oven to 180C / 160C fan / Gas 4. 

Step Four:

Using a shallow square tin, cut out a square of non-stick baking parchment to line the base. Place 40g plain flour and 20g cocoa powder into the sieve held over a medium bowl. Shake the sieve so they run through together to get ready of any lumps. 

Step Five:

Chop 25g milk chocolate into chunks on a chopping board. 

Step Six: 

Break 2 eggs into a mixing bowl and tip in 135g golden caster sugar with a pinch of salt. With an electric whisk on maximum speed, whisk the eggs and sugar till they look creamy. You'll know it's ready when the mixture becomes pale and double it's original volume. 

Step Seven:

Once cooled pour your chocolate mixture over the eggy mixture, gently fold using a rubber spatula. You'll know when both of the mixtures are combined when the colour is a dark brown colour. Be gentle when mixing them so they combine properly.

Step Eight: 

Place your sieve over the bowl of eggy chocolate mix and resift the cocoa and flour. Gently fold in the powder slowly like the previous step. 

Step Nine:

Stir in the milk chocolate chunks until they are dotted in the mixture. Place the mixture into the prepared tin and gently ease the mixture into the corners of the tin using the rubber spatular to level it. 

Step Ten:

Put your square tin into the oven for 30/35 minutes. Once the timer goes off pull out your oven shelf slightly then gently shake the tin, if the brownie wobbles in the middle it's not quite done yet. Place back in the oven for another 5 minutes till cooked. 

Step Eleven:

Once out leave the tin until it's completely cold. Lift out your brownie gently and cut it into whatever shape you'd like. If placed into an airtight container these are good for around two weeks, they can be frozen up to a month too!

Enjoy :) 


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